
Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Are we broke? Conference with U.S. Comptroller General D. M. Walker

August 3, 2007 1 comment

Today I was at a conference where U.S. Comptroller General Walker spoke about the trends in our economy for the next ten to thirty years. I’d like to share a few points he brought up, in hopes that we build more consciousness in our future:

 “The United States’ economy is not as strong as advertised… We are headed to very rough seas.”

“Key national indicators put the U.S. at 16 out of 28 countries… 23 out of 30 in life expectancy.”

“[At current trends] the U.S. Medicare will run out of money in 2019” (in 2007 we just began a deficit in Medicare)

“U.S. is number 1 in obesity”  – At least we are first in something!

Wake up America! It’s time to go to work. For more information, read the report 21st Century Challenges by the U.S. Government Accountability Office.