Home > Business, Domains, English, Internet > Domain Deals – New Column

Domain Deals – New Column


Thanks to Google Reader’s tag share option, from now on I’ve added a new column called “Domain Deals”. On a regular day, I read several hundred rss items and evaluate hundreds of domain deals. All shared domain deals are considered to be attractive. The number of attractive deals has grown so much, that I’ve decided to share this list with everyone.

You can find this column of deals in the right side of my blog, and it will update every time I tag a new deal. Feel free to subscribe to the feed to read as many domain deals as you like. I hope this new column helps all those people interested in domain investing.

For all the newbs in the house, please read “Potential Domain Investment Risks” before jumping in the water.

Happy domaining!

Categories: Business, Domains, English, Internet
  1. Judy
    January 3, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    Dotster has a great domain deal on right now. 99cents to register a .INFO domain for 1 year. You just need a code (99INFODOT). It’s even posted on their homepage.

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